Exporting Analytics
How to export analytics
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How to export analytics
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You can export detailed analytics for each Group.
If you have used the Text Response or Survey template, you can also export the written answers submitted by users.
From Analytics & Trends, go to the Groups section to see a list of all groups. You can export for all groups or for a specific group only. Select the table icon to start the export.
Group Export Data
User's Name and surname
User's email address
User's age
Which country the user is in
Which city the user is in
More detailed location, e.g. suburb, if exact location was shared
Name of group that user is part of
Active: active app user
Duplicate: user is part of one or more groups
Story Name
Progress on story: Started, In Progress, Completed
Story Score
Out of 100%
You can export written responses, multiple choice answers, and survey results submitted by users in a Text Response, Multiple Choice or Survey template.
Go to a Story's analytics and select "Question Analysis". Use the settings icon to Open or Export (excel format).