Audio + Text

Audio, image and text template

How To Use It

This page template is perfect for short audio clips or podcast extracts.

Upload a .mp3 audio file (no larger than 5MB), add an image, and enter your text. The image must be at least 1136 x 758px in size (.jpg or .png format).

If you choose custom colours for your font/text, those colours will also be used in Dark Mode. Only default font colours will auto-adjust in Dark Mode.

Authoring FAQ




Background Colours






Options & Settings


Background Colour

Select an alternative background colour to override the theme default.

Image Size

Large (default), Medium, Small

Autoplay Audio

By default, audio is auto-played as soon as the user opens the page. If you do not choose to autoplay, a play button will be added.

When the audio ends... Decide what happens at the end of the audio clip: Play again (default), Stop, Go to next page.

Image Effect (Non-Mobile) Choose a image effect for the desktop/tablet version of your story. Effects include adding a white frame and/or a dark shadow.

Image Tilt (Non-Mobile) Tilt your image left or right.

If you choose to “Autoplay” the audio, a play icon will still show if it is the first page in your story. This is due to browser policies that prevent autoplay.

Last updated