Installing & Accessing

Installing & accessing platform apps and stories

Can't download or open the app

If you can't download an app, please check if any of the below conditions apply to you:

Android User:

Apple User:

All Users:

App or content not loading

If you are struggling to install an app or access content...Try This!

Tried everything? Please submit an App Debug Report.

App slow or not loading

If the story, app, or video you are trying to open is taking a long time to load, you may need to check your device storage & capacity. Specifically, if you are on a lower-end device, there is only limited memory (storage and RAM) that can be allocated to run your app and provide a smooth experience.

Other factors that could contribute to loading issues include: other apps that are running and eating into your device capacity, bad device codecs, or memory limit for apps set by the device manufacturer.

If your connection is slow, loading time may also be slow. On slow connections, the first load may take a long time, but when returning again later on a slow connection, the load time may be faster due to device cache or the network cache.

Troubleshooting Connection and Network Speed

We test PWA and native devices all the way down to 3G for network performance. In order for us to determine if there are network issues between the platform and the device of the user(s), you can follow the steps below and then report back to your support contact:

  1. Visit on a device at the network location and send a screenshot back (see example below)

  2. Search Google for "test connection speed" then run the test and send results (see screenshot below)

  3. Request a "traceroute" to the app endpoints from your IT support on location by running a traceroute to (see examples below)

Platform Status

"Your Connection Status" tests connections between the device and platform's ecosystem. Connections should be between 10ms - 200ms.

Speed Test


This lets support know if there are any connection issues between the local network and platform server. On windows, the command is "tracert" and mac "traceroute". We expect to see the hops till the IP address (*please insert the relevant platform name).

Invite-Only App Account Activation (2.4+)

Invite-Only apps are private apps that are accessible by invite only. You will be emailed a unique activation code.

How to get the app? Follow the account activation process in your email invite.

Step 1: You receive an email invite to a platform app. Copy the code and click the button to get the app.

Step 2: On a desktop/browser, the app will open. On a phone or tablet, you will be prompted to install/download for Apple or Android.

Step 3: Install the app.

Step 4: Select the Activate Account option and enter the code.

Step 5: Choose a password & complete your profile.

Android users can find the app on GooglePlay, but will need login details to access. For Apple users, a private app is only accessible via a privately distributed download link.

Public App Sign Up (2.4+)

Public apps can be accessed by signing up to the app, or by receiving an email invite.

Step 1: You get an email invite to a platform app OR you get the app from an app store and then sign up to create an account.

Step 2: On a desktop/browser, the app will open. On a phone or tablet, you will be prompted to install/download for Apple or Android.

Step 3: Install the app.

Step 5: Choose a password & complete your profile. If you were invited, sign up using the email address that the invite was sent to, else simply enter your preferred profile details.

Android users can find the public app on Google Play, and Apple users can find the app on the App Store. To access, simply sign up.

Access an app on your desktop / browser

Where to get the app: This could be from your invite email, from a link provided, or from an app store. Contact your account admin if you're not sure where to get the app. Activation code: If you got an invite email, use the activation code. Complete your profile: Create a password & complete your profile. Login: Use your credentials to login & get going.

You can save the app to your desktop. Here's how.

Install a web app

A web app opens in your browser. If you are on a desktop device, you will automatically be directed to the web app. The first time you open the app in your browser, you may be prompted to save the app to your computer. This creates an app shortcut on your desktop or device.

You can also choose the web app option from your welcome email.

You can also access the web app directly via a link if it is shared with you. A link will usually look something like this, e.g. or

It is also possible to manually install the app on your desktop via the browser settings.

Access an app on your desktop / browser

Where to get the app: This could be from your invite email, from a link provided, or from an app store. Contact your platform support if you're not sure where to get the app. Activation code: If you got an invite email, use the activation code. Complete your profile: Create a password & complete your profile. Login: Use your credentials to login & get going.

Install a web app

A web app opens in your browser. If you are on a desktop device, you will automatically be directed to the web app. The first time you open the app in your browser, you may be prompted to save the app to your computer. This creates an app shortcut on your desktop or device.

You can also choose the web app option from your welcome email.

You can also access the web app directly via a link if it is shared with you. A link will usually look something like this, e.g. or

It is also possible to manually install the app on your desktop via the browser settings.

If you are a platform Admin and want to find your app link, click on the platform icon (top right) and then copy or open your account link.

Install an app on Android

Download steps:

  1. Select the “Download” button (after activating your account), to open the Google Play Store.

  2. Select the “Install” button.

  3. The app shortcut/icon will be added to your device home screen (mobile & tablet); select the app icon to open the app.

  4. You can then sign in using your email address and chosen password.

  5. Once in the app, you will be asked to complete your profile.

  6. Go to the Discover section to access content.

If a user is having issues downloading or installing a platform app from the Play Store, they are advised to follow troubleshooting steps suggested by Google.

Install an app on Apple

Apple iPhone & iPad users will be prompted to install the Apple app to their device.

Download steps:

  1. Select the “Download” button (after activating your account) & select the “Install” option.

  2. The app shortcut/icon will be added to your device home screen (mobile & tablet); select the icon to open the app.

  3. You will be asked to allow app notifications to be sent to your phone. “Allow” this to get app notifications.

  4. You can then sign in using your email address and chosen password.

  5. Once in the app, you will be asked to complete your profile.

  6. Go to the Discover section to access content.

It is recommended to make use of the Apple app on an iPhone rather than the web version.

Add web app to Apple iOS Home Screen

To install the Progressive Web App (PWA) on your Apple device (mobile, desktop or tablet), you need to be using the Safari browser when accessing the app link.

How to add a platform app to your home screen & create an app shortcut:

  1. Open the app link, e.g.

  2. If it is detected that you are on an Apple device, you will be prompted to "Install App".

  3. Tap the send icon and then select "Add to Home Screen"

  4. On the next screen, confirm the action by selecting "Add"

  5. The app icon will be saved to your device's home screen

If a non-Apple browser is being used on an Apple device, the device detection will not work and the PWA (web app) can not be installed.

Downloaded stories

Download for Offline Stories can be downloaded to your device. This will allow offline story access.

Story Access Removed If your story access is revoked, the downloaded story will be removed from your library.

This will happen automatically when there is a connection available or when the story updates check is run (every minute or so).

Offline story progress is saved to your device & is only synced with the platform when you are online.

Can I access downloaded content on a web app?

Web Apps do not have full offline capability.

Users are given the option to download a story for offline, but this can only be accessed offline on the native app versions (Apple or Android).

Can't download or open the app

If you can't download/access/open a platform app, please check if any of the below conditions apply to you:

Android User: You need a Google Play account and/or should be signed in on your device. You must be signed in to your Google Play account in order to download Android apps.

Apple User: You do not have an Apple ID/account and/or are not signed in to your Apple account on your device. You must be signed in to your Apple account in order to download Apple apps.

Apple User: You have not trusted the Developer Account. Refer to the "Trust Developer Account" section.

Apple User: You are using Safari to view the web app. Please use Chrome to view the web app on your Apple device.

Your invitation to join the app may have expired. Request a new activation code via the link in the invitation email or contact your platform support contact who will be able to re-send your invitation.

Your connection has timed out. You must be online to access a platform app via desktop, tablet or mobile. Check your internet connection and try again.

You have downloaded the app but can't sign in. If you have forgotten your password, use the "Forgot Password" option. If you have a platform backend account, you must login with these details and may not use the "Forgot Password" option.

App not available in your country

When apps are released, they are often only made available in specific countries.

If you receive the following message: "This item is not available in your country", please contact your support to request access.

App screen frozen

If your app has frozen or you are unable to continue, please try one of the following approaches:

  • Close and re-start the app

  • Log out and login again

  • Ask your Agent to report the issue

If you are on an Apple device and have downloaded a private app, you may be asked to trust the developer account. Don't panic - this is normal.

“Untrusted enterprise developer” message

If you are on an Apple device and are trying to install a platform app, you may receive a message that looks something like this:

You will need to verify trust on your iPhone.

Why? This is because the app has been published privately and is not on the Apple App store. i.e. you are manually installing the app, therefore you must also manually establish trust.

What to do? Go to settings on your phone. Look for Device Management (often found under General settings). Tap on “Everyday Digital Pty Ltd”, then tap on “Trust Everyday Digital Pty Ltd”.

After doing this the app will be installed on your device.

The platform currently uses the following developer accounts to publish apps:

Everyday Digital (Pty) Ltd Trainiac (Pty ) Ltd For Apple's official instructions on how to verify and trust Enterprise app developers, please view Apple's guidelines (Install custom enterprise apps on iOS).

Signing up on a public app

If a platform app has been made public (has a sign-up option), you will be able to create an account without being invited to join.

If you are a user who signs up:

  1. You will have access to stories that have been made publicly available on that app.

  2. You can still be invited to join private stories.

Invites & activation codes

When you are given access to an app and/or story, you will receive an invitation with a "Join" link and a unique "Activation Code".

Invites expire after 3 days, meaning that anyone who has been invited must activate their account within 3 days. If not, the Activation Code will expire.

If your Activation Code has expired, follow the "Join" link in your invite email. You can use the "Request a New One" option to get a new code if yours has expired.

Account activation reminders are sent to users who have not activated their account within 1.5 days. Only one nudge is sent.

How big is the app?

A platform app is approximately 17MB. This is a once-off download.

If you want to download and save stories to your device for offline access, you're looking at under 100MB per story.

How big are stories?

Stories are limited to 100MB, and the average story is 20-30MB.

The more stories you save for offline access, the more space the app will need on your device.

Save stories for offline access

To access stories, you need an internet connection. If you want to, you can download stories for offline reading.

Note: Stories are downloaded to your device. If you switch devices, you will need to re-download stories for that device.

Remove stories from your app

To remove stories on the "My Stories" / "My Library" section of your app, select the settings icon (to edit) and remove the stories you no longer want to see here.

Can't see a story

If you can't see a story on your app (and know you are supposed to have access to that story), contact your support.

Location sharing

When creating your user account, you will be asked to share your location.

If you are viewing the app from a desktop or web browser (Progressive Web App), then this option is only available if you enable location sharing on your device.

Platform login issues

For login issues such as double login or where a user is immediately logged out, you can check the following:

  1. Check there are is no extension interference Login using an incognito tab. If the login succeeds then it is likely that an extension is interfering with the login.

  2. Check cookies are enabled If browsers do not have cookies enabled, sessions can not be created. Sessions are used for keeping users signed into platforms.

  3. Clear Cache and Restart Sometimes a browser could be stuck with something in cache that prevents sessions being created correctly. Clear cache and restart the device.

Why am I being logged out of my account?

Backend users will be logged out automatically after a while of inactivity.

If you have multiple platform accounts, you can only be logged into one account with the same credentials at a time. Open an Incognito Tab in your browser if you want to run both apps/login to both apps on your desktop at the same time.

Can't download or install a story

If a story is not installing or seems to be stuck, please try the following:

  • Close the app completely and re-open it then try installing the story again.

  • Open the app, select the settings icon (top right) to open the library manager, and emove the story you are struggling with. Go to the app dashboard and try installing again.

  • Ensure that your device has not run out of space, causing the install to pause.

If issues persist, you can send a debug report. This can be done via the app by going to Account > Send Debug Report.

App onboarding (Guided Tour) keeps coming up

The guided tour should only display the first time you are logging in or if you log in from a new device.

If you have installed the web app, you may need to clear your cache in order to solve the issue of the guided tour repeating. Follow these steps:

Step 1 Open the web app and uninstall (click the options icon and select uninstall <appname>) Step 2 Navigate to the web app link, e.g. Step 3 Re-install the web app by using the install prompt, or doing so manually

Need help installing a web app to your device? Read this.

Last updated