Create a Pathway

Pathway levels, rows and activities explained

Create a new Pathway

The objective of a pathway is to build a learning/experience journey by placing activities in a sequence of rows within each pathway “level”.

The "Publish pathway to" option will only be available to accounts with multiple apps.


A pathway can contain up to 4 levels. Each level contains a series of rows with up to 3 activities per row.

Only levels to which activities are added will become part of your pathway. This means you can choose to use 1-4 levels.

All required (non-optional) activities must be completed in a level for the user to reach the next level in a path.

Level Milestones

By default, each level starts with a single “Milestone” activity in the first row. No other activities can be placed alongside or in place of the Milestone activity.


Each row can have up to 3 activities. This can be a combination of optional and required activities A user must complete all required activities in a row (1-3 activities) before they can move down to the next row in a level.

Required vs Optional Activities

When editing an activity, choose whether it is required or optional.

Colour activities represent a required activity. This means the user must complete the activity in order to proceed.

Grey cards are optional activities and the user is not required to complete them.


Rewards are automatically awarded to a user when they reach the row that the reward is on. Ideally, a reward should sit as a single activity in a row. Go here to learn more.


Certificates are automatically awarded to a user when they reach the row that the certificate is on. Ideally, a certificate should sit as a single activity in a row. Go here to learn more.

Connect Pathway

Connect pathway allows you to connect multiple pathways. When a user interacts with connected pathway activity, it enrols them on the pathway and allows them to switch to the connected pathway or remain on the current pathway.

Last updated