Quiz Builder
Create a series of questions
The Quiz Builder is only available in Editor 2.1. When using the new Editor (2.2), you can create an Assessment story type to evaluate users.
Quiz Builder can be used to build a quiz containing multiple questions. The quiz can then be imported into your story using the Quiz template. Go to Trophies & Quizzes (top menu in Authoring), and select Quizzes / Assessments. Start by selecting the +Quiz button to create a new quiz. Add a Quiz Name and use the +Question button to add a question.
Next, add a Question Name and enter up to 4 possible answer options, indicating the correct answer by selecting the circle icon.
Each question may not be longer than 144 characters and your answers must be less than 45 characters.
Slide to Response (top right) to add a message that the user will see after answering correctly or incorrectly.
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