Create Audio Stream

Create your own audio stream

To create a stream containing a selection of your own uploaded audio files (.mp3) and/or podcast episodes from various channels, open Streams and select the "+" icon (top right).

Choose "Create Audio Stream", name your stream and choose the app to which it will be published.

When you create an audio stream on our platform, a link is created that can be used to publish your podcast/audio stream on iTunes and Spotify.


Create your audio stream listing by providing a short and long description.

You can also add a category and tags. The category will show on the app and help segment content for users. The tags will be picked up on the app search.

Please also indicate the spoken language of your audio stream, and indicate whether or not it contains explicit content.

Theme & Assets

Here you can upload a primary icon and an alternative icon (optional). If you need a stock image, you can make use of Marketplace that's been integrated with Unsplash to bring you thousands of free images.

You can also choose to customise your theme colours as needed. We will recommend custom colours based on the image(s) you upload.


Upload your audio files and/or add episodes from a podcast. Select the + icon (bottom right) then choose either "Upload Audio" or "Add from Podcast".

Upload Audio allows you to upload your own audio (.mp3) file. You can also include Show Notes (description of your audio upload) and select an episode image.

Add from Podcast allows you to enter a Podcast link and then add episodes from the podcast that you would like to add to your stream.


Use targeting to set the story as public or private, and to select/deselect groups that will have access to your stream.

Last updated