Story Types

Story Types

Story Type


Editor Version

Access to all page templates in the library. Ideal for creating interactive content.

Use this type for engaging, interactive learning journeys, and diverse content.

2.1 & 2.2+

Article/ Microlearning

Create a blog-style post or microlearning experience using a single page.



Create a questionnaire or quiz to test knowledge



Create questions to gather information and evaluate sentiment.


From Template

Use a story template to create a new story.

2.1 & 2.2+

Guide or Book

Access to basic page templates only.

Choose this story type if your content contains a lot of words, e.g. guides, instructions, and manuals. Ideal for presenting content to users who do not need to be evaluated.

2.1 only

Scorm Package

Publish SCORM Packages using platform's LMS-less environment.

Add-on feature

Choosing a Story Type

Deciding which story type to use? Have a look at our recommendations below:

Story Type

Recommended use

Learning Story

e-learning, courses, corporate learning/training, compliance training, interactive learning, teaching, brand & business knowledge, etc.


content articles, written content, blog-style layouts, embedded content, supportive learning content, additional reading & resources, etc.


test user/audience knowledge, create a quiz, evaluate users/audience, grade users/audience, set pass mark, create certificates & awards


establish user/audience sentiment, get feedback and reviews, field studies, evaluations without correct/incorrect answers

From Template

create a new story using a story template, or create a new story using a catalogue story

Scorm Package

Upload a Scorm package and publish it to your app

In July 2020, a new Editor version (2.2) was released. Long-time subscribers still have the option to make use of the legacy editor version (2.1).

Last updated