Account & Subscription Details

Access your account & subscription details.

You can edit your Account Details and icon, and view your Subscription Details.

Your account and subscription details are determined when your platform account is set up.




Your subscription tier (as agreed with your distributor)


Date of account creation/subscription start date


Duration of subscription to date (in days)

Account ID

Your account ID as stored on the platform

Agent / Account Holder

Your assigned Agent (primary company representative & contact person)

Terms & Conditions

The platform terms and conditions

Privacy Policy

The platform privacy policy

Add-on Features

The available platform add-ons (Authoring, SCORM-Only Authoring, Streams, Pathways, Data Manager)

Content Items

Shows your used and available slots for stories, streams, and/or pathways (includes created, published, and archived items)


Used and available storage for your account (determined by the Tier)


Used and available bandwidth for your account (determined by the Tier)

Company Name

The name of your organisation

Address details

Country, State/Province, City, Suburb / County, Address & Postal Code of your company's headquarters

Account Logo

Your company's logo (visible in your platform account)

Last updated