Each pathway level starts with a milestone activity.
In total, you can have up to 4 (four) milestones per pathway - one per level. All four are visible in your pathways editor, but a milestone will become visible on a published pathway if it contains one or more activities.
Milestone activities are always required and must simply be viewed by the user to be considered fulfilled.
The following options are available:
Activity Name
Name the milestone (this will be visible on the pathway tile).
Banner (Optional)
Upload an image that will be visible once a user selects the pathway tile.
Snippet (Tablet & Desktop Only)
Add a short milestone description of max. 90 characters (this will be visible on the pathway tile).
Description / Notes
Add a long description that will be visible once a user selects the pathway tile.
Attach Resource (Optional)
Attach a resource file PDF, Audio, Image, or Video
Last updated