
Choose who should have access to your story.

This documentation is for authors making use of the 2.1 Editor.


Choose from one of the three story audience options. Note that live stories are not published instantly.

Audience Type

Time to Publish

Team (Beta)


Everyone (Public)

5 - 15 mins

Groups (Private)

5 - 15 mins

How to manage story access

Public: Anyone can access

If you want everyone who has access to your app to see a story, then choose this option.

Public publishing is great if you have a public app (meaning that anyone can sign up without being invited).

It's also ideal if you have a preview or introduction story that you want everyone to see before you release group-specific stories.

Private: Group access only

If you have user groups, you will be able to choose which groups can access your story.

This option is perfect if you have specific stories for specific groups.

Beta: Team access only

This option means that the story is only visible to your team (everyone added as a Team User).

Publish to Beta when you are testing/reviewing a story with your team.

Last updated