Data-Driven Activities

Data Tracking & Data Activity

There are two types of data-driven activities available in Pathways: Data Tracking and Data Checkpoint.

The difference between the two is that Data Tracking creates goal rings on the user's app dashboard, whereas Data Checkpoint will only be available on the pathway itself (and includes the option to customise the activity icon).

Data Activity Setup Options

When you set up a Data Activity, you can play with the available metrics to create your targets.




Select the data collection you want to use (must be available in your Data Manager).

Goal Title

Name the activity (this will be visible to the user).

Data Formula

Select the formula you would like to apply to your data:

Sum Total, Latest Daily Value, Latest Monthly Value, Latest Annual Value, Latest Value, or Average.

Data Column

Select the column (in your collection) that you are you wanting to pull values from.

Date Column

Select the column that contains dates/timestamps.

Date Range

Choose timeframes within which your data should be considered for this activity. The goal will be reset based on the range you choose, e.g. for "Each Day", the goal resets each day.

Goal Type

The type will affect your Goal Settings options.

You can choose a Static Goal or a Dynamic Goal.

Static: provide a static number required to meet the goal.

Dynamic: compare one column to another column, e.g. 80/100 sales for User A and 90/150 for User B. For dynamic goals, you will need a column in your data to define the variable goals (e.g. per user).

Goal Settings

If the Goal Type is set to "Static Value", you will be able to enter a single static value (the target fulfilment value).

If the Goal Type is set to "Dynamic Value", you can assign a Target Column (the column you will use to reference the target values) and a Target Formula (formula applied to the data column).

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