Group FAQ
Frequently asked questions about groups
Can I resend invites?
It depends on the invite status.
Expired: If a user has not activated their account within 3 days, the invite will expire and you will then be able to resend the expired invite.
Notified: You can resend an invite using the "Resend Invite" option.
Active: If an invite needs to be sent to an "Active" user again, the user must be removed and re-added.
Users are sent one reminder 1.5 days after receiving the first email invite. They can request a new activation code if theirs expires, or you can resend the invite.
Invite expired - what now?
If you received an invite to join a platform app and the activation code has expired, you can still use the "Join" link in the invitation email and then choose "Request a new one" to be sent a new activation code.
My users are not activating :(
Some users will ignore your group invitations - and the reasons for this vary.
It is recommended to communicate with your people before sending the invites. Let them know what's coming to encourage uptake.
Note: Unless you are using a custom domain, invites to join a group are sent from a platform email address.
User can't see a story on my app
If you have a platform app and can't see a specific story (or any stories) on the Discover section of the app, try the following:
Check to see the user has been added to a group that has permission to view the story. Your account agent or admin can search the group using your email address.
Check that the user is active on the group. If not send the invite to activate the user's group status.
Make sure the group that user was added to has been given access to the story.
Users didn't get an invite
Account agent / admin: If your users did not get an invite, please check:
That you hit the "Send Invites" button
That the status of user(s) added in Groups is Notified;
Check the section on Password & Login issues.
Users didn't get a new story notification
A new story notification email / push notification is sent when the story is first published and made available to the group they are in. When an update is published, users will also be notified.
Below is a list of when users with access to a stream/story will or won't be notified:
When a story is published and every time a published story is re-published, users will be notified ("Notify users" option must be selected).
When a group is removed from a published story/stream, they will not be notified and access will just be removed.
When a group is added to a published story/stream, they will not be notified
When a story/stream is unpublished, nobody will be notified.
Only users who have subscribed to a stream will be notified when a new episode is added.
Must authors and admins be added to a group?
We recommend adding authors and admins to both the Team and to Groups. Team members have access to all Beta stories, but will also need to be part of a Group to get specific story access.
How do I edit a user's details?
Pending Users: The account Agent or Admin can edit the user's details.
Active Users: If the user has already activated their account, the user must edit their own details (can not be edited by the Agent or Admin).
Why did I get an Activation Reminder?
If accounts are not activated within 1.5 days, a reminder email is sent.
Can I delete a user?
Whilst you can remove a user from your Groups, you can not delete their account off the platform. A user may, however, request to have their data removed from the platform.
One platform, one account
App users who register on a platform app can use the same credentials to sign into any other app on the platform. This is to allow the user state (progress, logs, content, etc.) to be platform-specific across apps. For example, if content was completed, it will stay completed even if the content is moved to another app. This also allows the user to have a single account that can be used across multiple apps.
What happens when a user has an app account and is invited to a different app on the platform?
First-time app users with an existing account will be notified. They will receive an app invite indicating that they can use the same credentials )email and password) to sign into the app.
How will a user know if they already have an account on the platform?
When attempting to sign up using an email that has already been registered on the platform, the user will see a message indicating that they already have an account. For example, if a users signs up on a new app but has already registered on another app, they will be presented with the following message:
Hello Again You've already registered on another app. This means that you can use the same email and password to sign in to <app name>.
If a user receives multiple app invites, when will their account be activated?
Multiple invites are sent. If the user has not registered on any app yet, they will receive multiple invites with the standard "sign-up with email address" invite.
The user's platform account is activated the first time they sign into a platform app. Whichever app they sign up on first will activate their platform account and update their group status associated with that app, i.e. it will update to "active".
To become an active user, the user must sign into each app for which an invite was received. For any further apps they have been invited to, they will be presented with the already registered dialogue and directed to sign in with their existing platform account. When they sign into another app, their group status associated with that app will then update to "active".
What happens when multiple invitations expire?
Expiration notifications happen per app / per account. This will create multiple expirations as individual invites relate to different apps.
Last updated