Audio Activity

Upload a single audio file as an activity

Upload a single .mp3 audio file for users to listen to as a pathway activity.




Activity Name

Name the activity (this will appear on the pathway).

Audio & Poster

Click the blank space to upload an image (.jpg or .png) with minimum dimensions of 1400x1400.

Click the "ADD" button to upload a .mp3 file.

Activity Notes

Add text and links

Activity Settings




Choose whether the activity is required (activity must be fulfilled in order to proceed) or optional (can be skipped).

Play Fulfilment

This auto-setting requires users to play the audio in order to fulfil the activity (not applicable if optional).

Start Playback From

You can set the time at which the audio clip must begin.

End Playback At

You can set the time at which the audio clip must end.

Last updated